Kategorie: BS88 Fusegear
Download this file (CAMASTER_HRC_FUSE_HOLDERS.pdf)CAMASTER_HRC_FUSE_HOLDERS.pdf[Bussmann Camaster BS88 HRC Fuse Holders]111 kB
Download this file (Fuseholder_brochure_lowres.pdf)Fuseholder_brochure_lowres.pdf[Bussmann Camaster and Safeloc BS88 Fuse Holders]902 kB
Download this file (LV_Fuse_Holders_-_BS_Type.pdf)LV_Fuse_Holders_-_BS_Type.pdf[Bussmann LV Fuse Holders BS88 Type]113 kB
Download this file (Safeloc_Fuse_Holders.pdf)Safeloc_Fuse_Holders.pdf[Bussmann Safeloc BS88 Fuse Holders]221 kB


Product Name




Package Quantity

200DF FUSE HOLDER BT 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNSBSGREEN 32A BACK STUD UNIT 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNSBSWHITE 32A FUSEHOLDER 10 1.5KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNSFBSWHITE 32A F/HOLDER 10 1.3KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNSFGREEN 32A UNIT GREEN 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNSFWHITE SAFELOC FUSE HOLDER 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
400EF 400A F/MASTER FUSE HOLDER 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
63ENL 63A NEUTRAL LINK 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
63ENSBSWHITE 63A F/HOLDER(5) 1.4KG 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
63ENSFBSWHITE 63A FUSEHOLDER (5) 1.2KG 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
63ENSFWHITE 63A FUSE HOLDER >WHITE 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
C30F CANADIAN FUSE UNIT 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
C60F CANADIAN FUSEHOLDER 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
RTU RTU KIT 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
20BSBS Camaster back stud conversion kit 20A 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
20CML CMSTR NEUT LINKS (32NL)BT 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32CML CMSTR NEUTRAL LINK 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
32CMLC NEUTRAL LINKS CMSTR 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32LSC 32LSC CMSTR SAFETY CARR 3 Low Voltage - British Standard
32LSCC LOCKABLE SAFETY CARRIERS 3 Low Voltage - British Standard
63-100BCSCM CMSTR B/BAR CONNECT STEM 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
63-100CML CMSTR NEUTRAL LINK 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
63-100LSC CAMASTER SAFETY CARRIER 3 Low Voltage - British Standard
CGLP GANGING LINK PACK 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
CLSC LOCKABLE SAFETY CARRIER 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM100CF CAMASTER ADAPT TO FB/BB 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM100FW 100A WHITE F/HOLDER 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM20F FUSEUNIT ADPTBLE TO FB/BB 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM20FW WHT F/UNIT ADAPT TO FM/BB 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM30CF CMSTR ADAPTABLE TO FB/BB 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM32FCG 32A GREEN F/HOLD(10)1.3KG W 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM32FCW 32AWHT F/HOLD(10)1.3KG W 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM32FG 32A GRN F/HOLD(10)1.8KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM32FW 32AWHT F/HOLD(10)1.8KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM60CF FUSEHOLDER 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM63FW 63A WHT F/HOLD(10)2.2KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CMSC SECURITY CLIP 20 Low Voltage - British Standard
CNI NEON INDICATOR (3) 3 Low Voltage - British Standard
M-CM20F CM20F>BOX OF 5X 1 PACK 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
NI NEON IND. FOR CMSTR (3)BT 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32CLL NEUTRAL LINKS CAMLOC 1 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNL 32A NEUTRAL LINK > 3NW CLNNS 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CLS16 CAMLOC F/HOLDER 3 Low Voltage - British Standard
CLS32 CAMLOC F/HOLDER 3 Low Voltage - British Standard
CLS63 CAMLOC F/HOLDER 3 Low Voltage - British Standard


32BS Camaster back stud conversion kit 32A 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32BSC 32A COMPACT B/STUD 0.4KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNSBS 32A FUSEHOLDER 10 1.5KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNSF 32A S/LOC F/HOLDER 10 1KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
32NNSFBS 32A F/HOLDER 10 1.3KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
63-100BS Camaster backstud conversion kit 63/100A 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
63ENSBS 63A F/HOLDER (5)1.4KG 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
63ENSF 63AMP FUSE HOLDER 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
63ENSFBS 63A F/HOLDER (5)1.2KG 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM100F 100A CMSTR F/HOLD(5)1.1KG 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM32F 32A CAMASTER FUSEHOLDER ( 10)1.8KG #W 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM32FC 32A COMP F/HOLD(10)1.3KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
CM63F 63A CMSTR F/HOLD(10)2.2KG 10 Low Voltage - British Standard
M-32NNSF 32NNSF> BOX OF 5X 1 PACK 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
M-63ENSF 63ENSF>BOX OF 5X 1 PACK 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
M-CM100F CM100F>BOX OF 5X 1 PACK 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
M-CM32F CM32F>BOX OF 5X 1 PACK 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
M-CM32FC CM32FC> BOX OF 5X 1 PACK 5 Low Voltage - British Standard
M-CM63F CM63F>BOX OF 5X 1 PACK 5 Low Voltage - British Standard

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