Category: Terms and Policies

Packing Units

There are only full packing units of each product available. The packing units are mentioned on this website behind each product.


Minimum Order Value

The minimum order value is EUR 100  for customers in the FRG,
it is EUR 150 for customers in the EU (due to the higher administrative effort),
and EUR 500 for customers outside the EU.
If nothing else is mentioned, there has always packaging units to be ordered.


Delivery Time

Most of the products are no stock products or are only on stock at the central stock. Some products were also only build on customers request. Therefore is here seldom a delivery time mentioned. We suggest early orders, to avoid problems with the delivery time.



The shipments are carried out with the following carriers, freight charges are paid by the customer:


Price List

There is no price list on this website available. Please request the price for the products.




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